Aspect Ratio Calculator

This calculator is a great help when processing photos, for example. You can also easily get an idea of ​​how different aspect ratios of televisions or other screens compare with each other. You can choose the desired aspect ratio or enter it manually. When you change the width or height, the counter changes the second value to match the selected aspect ratio. In addition, you can see in the preview what the selected aspect ratio looks like.

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Keskustelualue: Kuvasuhdelaskuri

HD, 4K, 8K… what do these terms mean?

Full HD

Full HD is the marketing name for televisions and screens that reach a resolution of at least 1920 x 1080 pixels, i.e. pixels. There are therefore slightly more than 2,000,000 pixels in total. The Finnish equivalent of the term is full high definition.

UHD (Ultra HD)

UHD, i.e. Ultra High Definition. UHD has four times the resolution of Full HD. UHD has a slightly lower resolution than 4K. Despite this, occasionally UHD TVs are marketed with 4K resolution.


The 4K standard has more than four times more pixels than Full HD. The resolution is 4096 x 2160, so there are more than 8.8 million pixels. 4K has become standardized for movie use and today there is already quite a lot of content that can be played in 4K resolution.


8K has a huge number of pixels compared to 4K. The resolution is 7,680 x 4,320. There is still very limited 8K content available, so even if a television or monitor supports 8K video, most of the material is still made with 4K resolution at most.

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5.9.2023 18:01

Miten lasken kuvasuhteen, että säilyy samana. Minulla on kuva joka on 687×1024. Haluaisin toisen kuvan samaan kuvasuhteeseen. Tämän kuvan koko on 750×750.