2 Stroke Oil Mix Calculator

With this calculator, you can easily find out how much two-stroke oil should be mixed with a certain amount of gasoline in order to get the right mixture ratio.

Below you will also find a table where you can easily see the amount of oil for each mixture ratio in one or five liters of fuel.

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Keskustelualue: 2-tahtibensiinin seoslaskuri

2 Stroke Mix Chart

From the table below, you can alternatively check the amount of oil in one or five liters of fuel for each mixture ratio.

Mixtureml/Lml/5 L
25:1 (4 %)40200
26:1 (3,85 %)38192
27:1 (3,70 %)37185
28:1 (3,57 %)36179
29:1 (3,45 %)34172
30:1 (3,33 %)33167
31:1 (3,23 %)32161
32:1 (3,13 %)31156
33:1 (3,03 %)30152
34:1 (2,94 %)29147
35:1 (2,86 %)29143
36:1 (2,78 %)28139
37:1 (2,70 %)27135
38:1 (2,63 %)26132
39:1 (2,56 %)26128
40:1 (2,50 %)25125
41:1 (2,44 %)24122
42:1 (2,38 %)24119
43:1 (2,33 %)23116
44:1 (2,27 %)23114
45:1 (2,22 %)22111
46:1 (2,17 %)22109
47:1 (2,13 %)21106
48:1 (2,08 %)21104
49:1 (2,04 %)20102
50:1 (2,00 %)20100
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