Briefly, this step involves moving the last pieces, the yellow corners, into their correct positions. The orientation of the pieces will be adjusted in the next step, so for now, it's important that the corner pieces are in the right positions.

Find one corner of the cube that is already in the correct position. Rotate this corner to become the correct front corner. When the cube is in the correct orientation, execute the following sequence of moves: U R U’ L’ U R’ U’ L
U R U’ L’ U R’ U’ LIt's also possible that all the corners are in the wrong positions. In this case, perform the algorithm in any orientation. This will allow you to switch the positions of the corners. Once you get one corner into place, continue as instructed at the beginning of this guide.
Sequence: Corner Swap
The algorithm rotates three back corners counterclockwise. For this reason, the instructions advise placing the corner in the correct position on the right as the right corner will stay in place due to the algorithm. It's also possible, though not likely, that with this algorithm alone, you may not only place the corner pieces in the right position but also orient them correctly, solving the Rubik's Cube.
At this stage, there can be zero, one, or all four corners in the correct position. It is impossible for there to be two or three correct corners.
Once you've completed this stage, you're just one step away from solving it. Just move on to step seven!