2. White Corners

This section briefly: Bringing the white corners into their correct positions and orientations.

Now you're at the stage where you have a white cross with the edge pieces matching the colors. The goal of the second stage is to get the white corner pieces into their correct positions and orientations. The corner pieces are brought into their correct positions one by one, and the moves are quite simple, so it's still worth trying to maneuver at least some of the corner pieces into place without relying on predefined move sequences. Below are all the problem situations and the corresponding sequences to lift the white corner piece into the correct orientation.

White on the right side

If white is on the bottom right side, you can bring it up with this three-move sequence.

R’ D’ R

White in front, bottom right

If white is in the front bottom corner, you can bring it into place with this sequence.

F D F’

White on the bottom

If white is underneath the cube, you can bring it into place with this sequence.

R’ D’ D’ R D R’ D’ R

White in the wrong corner

Sometimes the white corner piece may be in the wrong orientation, causing its side colors to be misaligned. You can rotate the white corner piece clockwise one step with this move. Essentially, in this move, the corner piece is brought down to the bottom row with the move LDL’, achieving the same situation as in the first example. Then the same move sequence R’D’R is performed to lift the white piece up to the top layer.

L D L’ R’ D’ R

Move sequence R’D’RD

With the above move sequences, you'll likely get the white corners aligned. However, there's one move sequence that's good to internalize at this stage. It's not the best option for all situations, but it's a kind of all-in-one move sequence for corner manipulation and rotation. Depending on the starting situation, repeating this same move sequence the right number of times consecutively will move and rotate the corner piece to the desired position and orientation. You'll encounter repetitions of the R’D’RD move sequence also in the final stage, so it's beneficial to be familiar with it beforehand. Remember always to include the last D move in the sequence, the clockwise rotation of the bottom row, even though it may not seem to have a significant impact yet.

White on the right side - 1 repetition

R’D’RD changes the position and orientation of corner pieces. By performing the move sequence once, you can switch a corner piece from the bottom to the top.

R’ D’ R D

White on the bottom - 3 repetitions

When you observe the movement of the corners in the animation, you'll notice that one repetition moves the corner from bottom to top. The second repetition brings the corner back down but in a different orientation. On the third repetition, the piece is again on the top but with a changed orientation, and in this case, in the correct position.

R’ D’ R D R’ D’ R D R’ D’ R D

White in front at the bottom - 5 repetitions

When white happens to be at the bottom on the front side, two additional repetitions are required compared to the previous situation. In practice, then, 2x (R’D’RD) rotates the corner piece's orientation by one step.

R’ D’ R D R’ D’ R D R’ D’ R D R’ D’ R D R’ D’ R D

After completing this step, you should have the white side of the cube completed and the colors of the first rows of the other sides matching. If this is the case, feel free to proceed to the next step!

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