Roof Pitch Calculator

With this calculator, you calculate the slope of the building's roof based on two starting values. The calculator gives the result both in degrees and as a ratio (e.g. 1:2.5). At the end of the page, you can also find the most common slope values ​​in the table.

Roof Pitch Calculator

Keskustele aiheesta

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Keskustelualue: Kattokaltevuuslaskuri

Pitch RatioRoof Pitch degRoof Pitch %
1:145°100 %
1:1,533,7°66,7 %
1:226,6°50 %
1:2,521,8°40 %
1:318,4°33,3 %
1:3,515,9°28,6 %
1:414°25 %
1:4,512,5°22,2 %
1:511,3°20 %
1:69,5°16,7 %
1:78,1°14,3 %
1:87,1°12,5 %
1:96,3°11,1 %
1:105,7°10 %
1:202,9°5 %
1:401,4°2,5 %
1:501,2°2 %
1:800,7°1,3 %
1:1000,6°1 %